Is Daily Home Care for me?
Daily home care is for you if you need support some of the time, but not all of the time.
Our service includes, but is not limited to, the list below. You can pick and choose which bits you want, and vary the mix at any time.

Getting you up

Bed making

Washing and help with your bathroom needs

Meal planning and preparation

Helping you into bed at night

Medication assistance
So whether it is help getting up, going to bed, eating, washing or using the bathroom, we can offer as little or much support as you need. In fact, pretty much whatever support you need around the house, we will be happy to help. We work with you to develop a care and support plan that is right for you, and then review it with you as we go along to ensure it remains right.
Which care is right for you?
Home Care
Support in your own home when you want it, your own space when you don’t.
Support when you want it, for as long as you want it.
You decide your lifestyle and routines, doing what you want, when you want, both in your own home and the community.
You choose what you eat and when, prepared by yourself or with the support of our carers.
You can see who you want, when you want and where you want, including both in your own home and in the community.
Live In Care
Support, companionship and peace-of-mind in your own home.
Support on hand 24 hours a day.
You decide your lifestyle and routines, doing what you want, when you want, both in your own home and the community.
You choose what you eat and when, prepared by yourself or with the support of our carers.
You can see who you want, when you want and where you want, including both in your own home and in the community.
Care Home
With as much or as little companionship as you wish, let us take the pressure off in one of our care homes. You then choose what you would like to continue doing, and we take care of the rest.
Support on hand 24 hours a day.
You decide your lifestyle and routines, doing what you want, when you want, both in our care home and the outside community. We even have an activities programme if you want to join in with others.
A delicious menu to choose from, taken in your own room, our dining room or, weather permitting, the garden.
You can see who you want, when you want and where you want, including both in our own home and in the community. We even have private rooms where you can entertain friends and family alike.
Who will help me?
You will be looked after by a small team of Nightingales fully trained carers, each of whom you will have personally approved. We will review your daily home care with you or your family on a regular basis.
Why choose us?How much does Daily Home Care cost?
We are transparent in our costs and don’t have hidden charges. You also have the reassurance of knowing the price will be fixed and agreed in advance.
What people say about our Daily home care
Choosing the right service is important
Free assessment & try before you buy
We offer a free assessment service where we will come to your home and discuss your exact needs with you and your relatives, and answer any questions you may have. You can then try our service for one hour without charge* so you can make sure you’re fully sure. To arrange your free, unpressured and totally without obligation assessment simply call 0800 612 9132.
*A comprehensive assessment must be conducted before the complimentary visit, which will include the review of Personal Care Documentation. The free trial offer is exclusive to Personal Care services and does not extend to Cleaning Only services.
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