Why choose home care?
As we grow older, there are very few of us who can get by without some kind of outside help or support. For many people the favoured route is home care. This is because it allows you to stay living in the familiar surroundings of your home, amongst your lifetime memories, with feelings of comfort, independence and security.
Another great advantage of home care is personal flexibility. By careful planning we can make sure you get exactly the right amount of support you need, from an hour a day, through to full time day and night care.
Our home care is also flexible on a daily basis and as your needs change. For example, sorting out more support for a couple of days whilst your family is away or around an hospital visit, is only a phone call away, as is building a bit more support into your daily routine. And if you get a better offer, like a day out with the family, cancelling those support visits is not a problem either.
Homecare advice and checklist
Why exclusively private?
We’re here to help, so if you’d like to know more please call us. We guarantee you won’t be in any way pressured; we’ll just listen to your questions and share the benefit of our 30+ years of experience. Only if you decide you’d like to take things further will we then arrange for one of our team to visit you in your home for a free assessment. Our phone lines are open between 9am and 5pm, although there is 24 hour support once our service starts.