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Prices from 8th March 2024.

Personal CarerMulti-Hour* 5am-11pmPer Hour 7am-9pmPer 45 MinutesPer 30 Minutes
Monday to Friday£26.10£30.00£25.50£22.50
Night Carer
between 10pm and 6am
Per Hour
Monday to Friday£30.00
Live-in carePer DayPer Week
Single Live In-Care£220.00£1540.00
Couple Live In-Care£254.00£1778.00

Our price structure is designed to be transparent and fair. Additional charges are only made for unsociable hours with no premium payable for travelling or caring for highly dependent clients. Unlike other home care services where extras can add considerably to your final bill, you pay only for the care that you receive.

All our staff have chosen caring for the elderly as their career, are employed on a permanent basis, and are fully trained and insured. Nightingales HomeCare does not use agency staff.

Download the pricelist

Key Terms

If you are not happy with any part of our service, You Will Not Be Charged for it (see below).

The Multi-Hour rate applies to visits of two consecutive hours or more.

The Night Carer rate applies between the hours of 10pm and 6am. The minimum visit before midnight is 2 hours, and after midnight is 4 hours.

Public & Bank Holidays will be charged at time-and-a-half and Christmas Day at double time.

Fees are payable by either Direct Debit or Automated Debit Card Payment.

Interest Charges apply to Late Payment of Fees.

Respite – It can be helpful for new clients to try Live in Care via Respite. This gives the client and family understanding of how the structure will work on a longer-term commitment. As this involves additional administration costs, this is subject to a 5% surcharge over our daily or weekly fees.


Terms & Conditions:


We undertake to provide care and support to the Client in accordance with their agreed Care Plan subject to the following Terms and Conditions:

  1. If the Client is unhappy with any part of our service, we Will Not Charge for it so long as we are informed within 24
  2. Hours giving the reasons why. Please follow our complaints procedure or email your concerns to the following email: If you’re unable to email please contact our local telephone number on 0208 466 9664.
  3. If a Scheduled Service Visit is cancelled with less than 24 Hours’ Notice we reserve the right to charge a Cancellation fee that would have been payable had the visit taken place. This is necessary as we still have to pay our staff for cancelled services if they cannot be reassigned to other clients in time.
  4. We take pride in offering the highest quality Staff whose recruitment and development is a major investment by Nightingales. Clients are therefore expressly Prohibited from Employing Carers Directly, either during their employment with Nightingales or in the six-months after their employment had ended, failing which a £3,000 Fee shall be payable by the Client for HomeCare or £6,000 for Live in Care
  5. We have opted to modify our fee review date, shifting it from December to April each year to align with National Minimum Wage increases and supplier increases. Consequently, the last fee review on December 1st, 2024, will signify the final occurrence of this annual review in that month. Subsequent reviews will take place in April, commencing from 2025 onwards.
  6. Typically, our Staff are able to find free parking but, if this is not the case, any Parking Charges will be chargeable at cost.
  7. Clients will be invoiced Weekly or Monthly, depending on the value of the Care Package, which are payable by Direct Debit. Any invoices not paid via Direct Debit will be subject to an additional 5% charge.
  8. The Client and Anyone Involved in Arranging their Care are Jointly and Severally Responsible for all Outstanding Fees, which are subject to Interest at 8% over Bank of England Base Rate, unless alternative arrangements have previously been agreed in writing.
  9. Two (2) Weeks Notice is Required for the Client to end or modify the service, this is with exception of significant circumstances. If we have to give notice, we endeavour to give the Client sufficient time to make alternative arrangements, save where fees are not being paid. Therefore we will exercise the right to withdraw our services due to failure to pay for services provided & inform the local authority if appropriate.
  10. To ensure our service is the best it can be, we use Independent Professionals to conduct Customer-Satisfaction Surveys on our behalf. If you would prefer not to be contacted by them, please advise us by email at

Choosing the right service is important

Free assessment & try before you buy

We offer a free assessment service where we will come to your home and discuss your exact needs with you and your relatives if you wish, and answer any questions you may have. To arrange your free, unpressured and totally without obligation assessment simply call 0800 612 9132.

Contact us

Call us on 0800 612 9132 to arrange your two-complimentary one-hour visits